Saturday, 16 May 2020

Blog on hold...going through HG

Hi all.

My wife is currently going through a HG pregnancy at the moment. Will continue in a couple of months again.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

After the Interview

Your interview has passed, you might feel positive, maybe not. You might also have no idea how it went or what to make of the interview. This is where it helps to have a really good recruiter backing you. Mine was awesome and this is what she did...

After the interview I needed to update her how it went, what they asked and how I felt about the interviewers. Would I feel comfortable to work there, would I fit in?She would then call them and hear their side and how they felt, why I was not the right candidate, etc. She would then give me feedback and we would decide on the way forward. When a job offer comes she looked at the contract and provided advice. THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED FROM A RECRUITER!!!

From your side, when you have received the offer and negotiated the contract...okay calm down calm down 😀, you need to get that visa application in. Please do not leave your employer out of the process. Update them with your visa application process and timeline, they want to know when you can start, they are running a business so need to know what is going on on your side.

At this stage you would of have decided if you are going to do the application yourself or use an adviser. Time to start the visa application process. If you want to do it yourself, read here. Read it a few times so that you get it right the first time.

Good luck, we will chat about waiting for your visa and getting ready to leave SA in my next post. a very bad place

Where have I been? Well the short answer is SURVIVING !!!  Surviving with the change of having two kids, surviving with little s...