Surviving with the change of having two kids, surviving with little sleep, surviving with the battles of life, financial battles, living with Covid and not been able to see family. The worst part, not having a support base in a country one has emigrated to. This has had us on our knees a couple of times already.
Nobody realises what it is like to have nobody close to you. You do not have the family support base others have. Yes one has friends but they also have lives of their own. A good strong friendship takes years to build.
And now....well now I am at a very low in my life. I am emotionally drained, the impact of Covid on our life is taking its toll. Not losing somebody close to Covid but not been able to travel home. Not being able to be there for my mom that needs me, not being able to have family over to visit and help us with the children. This part of emigrating is getting to me, really draining me and my lovely wife emotionally.
Our little man is now just over a year old already and walking, so special. Our precious daughter is off to school, our family is doing well but I am not. I have always trusted God to help and I know He will help us through this as well.
I do not know if I must pray to God for a solution or pray for strength to carry on, but again, all I know and can do is pray !!!
Please pray with me and my family.